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Parish Office

Lent, Easter and Holy Week

Welcome to to Lent, Holy Week and Easter at St Johns for 2025.  These pages set our our progamme of activities. The Season of Lent is an important time for all Christians – a time to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, reflection and study, as we prepare for Holy Week and our annual remembering of the Suffering, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Almost everything on these pages is also available as a PDF, suitable for printing out (but not recommended for mobile phones) and the website Calendar includes all our special services and events.

We have Four specific pages: Deepening our Faith | Special Events (Shrove Tuesday and BBC Passion Course) Lent Services | Holy Week and Easter Services

Or you can go directly to specific content:

You are very welcome to these special events at St John’s. All normal service times continue unless replaced by something else. 

A Final thought

We hope that whatever you have read has inspired you and that you commit to come to one (or more) of these series in Lent. Whatever you decide is fine – it’s your choice and you know best your needs and diaries. Of course, what is most important of all is that we are fed spiritually, and that through faith, God is at work in each one of us, making us who we are called to be.


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