Don't forget our Lent Course on the BBC Passion
5th March, Ash Wednesday | 10.30am Eucharist with imposition of Ashes |
8pm Sung Eucharist with imposition of Ashes | |
9th March | 5pm Institution and Induction Service for the new Rector of the Parish of Harpenden |
16th March | 5pm Contemplative Celtic Evening Prayer |
30th March | 9.30am Mothering Sunday All Age Eucharist |
5pm Taize Service for Mothering Sunday | |
9th April (a Wednesday) | 7pm Tenebrae service |
What’s on for Families
All Age Eucharist: 9.30am on 2nd & 30th March & 10am on Easter Sunday.
Junior and Mini Church: 9.30am on 9th, 16th, 23rd March, and 13th & 27th April.
Good Friday Messy Church: 10am at St John’s Church Hall