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Parish Office

Extra Services through Lent

Don't forget our Lent Course on the BBC Passion

5th March, Ash Wednesday 10.30am Eucharist with imposition of Ashes
  8pm Sung Eucharist with imposition of Ashes
9th March 5pm Institution and Induction Service for the new Rector of the Parish of Harpenden
16th March 5pm Contemplative Celtic Evening Prayer
30th March 9.30am Mothering Sunday All Age Eucharist
  5pm Taize Service for Mothering Sunday
9th April (a Wednesday) 7pm Tenebrae service

What’s on for Families

All Age Eucharist: 9.30am on 2nd & 30th March & 10am on Easter Sunday.

Junior and Mini Church: 9.30am on 9th, 16th, 23rd March, and 13th & 27th April.

Good Friday Messy Church: 10am at St John’s Church Hall

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