Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party 4th March 2025
Join us at St John’s Church Hall from 4.30-5.30pm to 6.30–7.30pm for an epic pancake party, with the help of 14th Brownies and 17th Rainbows (and friends). All welcome but to help us know numbers in advance please purchase a ticket (and choose a sitting), which are available for £6 (adult) or £15 (family) from the Parish Office.
Lent Course: BBC Passion
Our Lent Course will be a shared viewing of the BBC Passion. Spread over four weeks we will be watching sections of this BBC Series, which show the events of Holy Week. There will be opportunities to respond to each movie, to discuss further it’s meaning and to explore how we re-create this during Holy Week.
The session will take place over 4 weeks, each being the same starting w/c 9th March.
Monday | 1pm | @ The Vicarage |
Thursday | 8pm | @ The Vicarage (or Committee Room in the Church Hall if needed) |
Friday | 10:30am | @ David Nye’s house |
Please sign up for these sessions either in Church on Sunday or via the Parish Office.
There will be a joint fifth session, which will take the form of Tenebrae Service. A Tenebrae service is a Christian tradition that takes place in the dark and involves the gradual extinguishing of candles. The word tenebrae is Latin for "darkness". The service is a meditation on Christ's suffering and death, and is typically held on Maundy Thursday evening or Good Friday morning or afternoon.
This will take place in church at 7pm on Wednesday 9th April 2025 as part of our preparations for Holy Week.
Breakfast & Prayer