The Season of Lent is an important time for all Christians – a time to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, reflection and study, as we prepare for Holy Week and our annual remembering of the Suffering, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We are offering a number of ways to deepen our faith.
This year our focus will be on Holy Week, and offering an opportunity to explore its meaning through Lent so we can make the most of it when it comes.
This page gives some suggestions to help you make the most of the coming six weeks. But they are only suggestions and you will know your commitments and spiritual needs. With different times and days on offer, we hope that you will be able to come along to something. Whatever you decide to give up or take up, however you choose to observe the season of Lent, we hope that it will be a time of encouragement and blessing, a time that brings you nearer to God.
Daily thoughts for the DayLiving Hope is our theme for Lent 2025. In Lent we journey with Jesus on the road to the cross on Good Friday – and beyond, to the transformation of Easter Day. We have a specific prayer diary for Easter - that can be found here. Living Hope offers us the opportunity deepen our hope in God and think about how our churches can be part of what God is doing to bring hope in the world. Discover more at Christian Aid's 'Count Your Blessings' guide may also be useful. Useful Podcasts: Parenting for Faith; Pray as you Go. Useful Apps: Every Day Faith |
Sacrament of Reconciliation
If you would like to receive this Sacrament as part of your Lenten discipline, please speak with Revd Tim to arrange a suitable time.
A Final thought
We hope that whatever you have read has inspired you and that you commit to come to one (or more) of these series in Lent. Whatever you decide is fine – it’s your choice and you know best your needs and diaries. Of course, what is most important of all is that we are fed spiritually, and that through faith, God is at work in each one of us, making us who we are called to be.