Who we are
St John's Church, Harpenden is a friendly, Anglican church set on the edge of the Common in the Southdown area of Harpenden.
We have a fairly traditional style of worship, with the Parish Communion our main Sunday service, and our all-age worshipping community aims to live out and share God’s love with those around us. We offer a warm welcome to all, and our website sets out the services and activities that take place at St John’s. Please do contact us for any other information.
We believe that every person, regardless of age, sexual orientation, background or religious experience is valued and equal. We seek to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who welcomed all people into his care.
We aim to make our worship both reverent and relaxed; our main service on Sunday mornings is the 9:30am Eucharist with readings,a sermon and hymns; we also have a quieter communion service at 8am. We also offer afternoon / evening services on Sundays regularly, which varies in its style, and midweek services.
Children are a valuable and valued part of our congregation (see our Children and young people page). On the first Sunday of the month (and occasionally at other times) we have all-age services; the service is shorter and we have hymns and a sermon targeted at younger members. It is our practice to prepare children to receive Holy Communion from the age of seven.
If you are new to Harpenden, visiting, or just interested in what we have to offer, please do join us for one of our services.
We publish a weekly newsletter; to be added to our mailing list, please complete our form.
Good to know
At our main Sunday service someone will be in the porch to welcome you; let us know if you are new or visiting for the first time. As you come in to church you will be given a hymn book and a service booklet . We have large-print copies of the service booklet, and a sound system that has a hearing loop.
A collection is taken towards the end of the service, but please don't feel obliged to contribute (contactless payment is also possible). If you want to give a one-off donation, Gift Aid envelopes are available.
The bread and wine for communion is shared at the front of the nave. If you are unable to come up, please let the welcomers know, so that the communion can be brought to you in the pew. If would prefer to receive a blessing, please bring a hymn book or the service booklet with you.
Gluten-free wafers are available; please ask the welcomers if you need a gluten-free wafer.
There is a toilet, with baby-changing facilities, at the back of church.