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Parish Office

Children and young people

All children are very welcome at St John’s; we believe they are important part of our community.


On the first Sunday of the month we normally have an All-Age service, especially designed for younger members of the congregation.

On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, we normally have Junior and mini Churches; they start in the Church Hall at 9:30am and are normally in Church in time for Communion, when children can sit with their family or can stay with Junior Church leaders.  Junior Church is suitable for Primary School aged children and Mini Church for pre-Primary School.  Their aim is to develop and nurture the faith of children and their families by sharing the story of Jesus Christ.  We will use story, song and activities to share the good news. 

  • Please email Lauryn Awbrey with any questions or to register your interest.
  • So we can effectively look after your children and ensure their safety, we need some information about them - and your formal permission.  Forms are available at Junior/Mini Church, but it speeds things up if you can complete the form in advance - it is available in Word and PDF formats.

If you have children with you in the service then this might help:

  • Please don’t be afraid to sit at the front – children can see what is going on better.
  • There are books and bags at the back of church as well as colouring in packs (updated each week).
  • Please make use of the church as you need to, and don’t worry about making noise. 
  • Do join us in the hall for refreshments after the service.
  • Visiting children are always welcome.

We now have now have a new area in church for families with pre-school age children to use during our worship as needed. It features a comfortable mat, books and Bible themed toys (thanks to the generosity of a member of the congregation for putting this all together). 

There are special activities throughout the year such as the annual nativity play.

Tuesdays: Little Acorns

Little Acorns is a group for preschool children and their parents, grandparents and carers which started in 2018. We aim to provide a safe and friendly environment where children can play while the adults chat and have the opportunity to drink a hot cup of coffee or tea!!!  We have a good selection of toys including ride ons.  Volunteers are around to help with the children if necessary and to provide refreshments for the adults.  The group is held on a Tuesday morning from 10.00 to 11:30 in the church hall ( walk down the right side of the church and the hall is ahead of you) We play until 11:10, then clear up and have a healthy snack and end with singing or a story. There is a small voluntary donation of £2 per family to help cover our costs.

Do come along and give us a try.  For more information, please contact Christine Kenyon.

Note: St George's School

Many families who are associated with St John’s want their children to attend St George’s School; as part of St George’s admissions policy, those applying under the criterion of having ‘a Christian commitment shown by membership of a Christian church’ must have attended at least once a month for two years before applying.  So that we can administer these attendance declarations in a fair and consistent way, we have introduced a register, which we ask parents to sign each time they attend a service as a family.

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