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Parish Office

Prayer Diary

We have started a monthly Prayer Diary.  It has a prayer intention for every day of the month - and each month the focus changes.

If you want to print it out, the March version can be found here.

The St John’s Parish Prayer 2025

You may wish to use this prayer daily as part of your rhythm of prayer.

Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people here at St John’s. As we seek to do your will, gives us ears to hear, eyes to see, wills to obey and hearts to love. Amen.

Corporate Daily Prayer at St John’s

We pray every day at 9.30am Monday to Friday for the life of the Parish. Everyone is welcome to join us.  

Can we pray for you?

If you would like someone to pray for you, whatever it might be this can be done either as part of our worship or privately by our St Luke’s Prayer Cell. Do contact our Parish Administrator to be added to one of our prayer lists:

Healing Eucharist

At 5pm on the Fourth Sunday of the month we meet in the Lady Chapel for a simple Healing Eucharist, with prayers for healing and anointing. All welcome.

St John’s Prayer Diary for March 2025

We have a prayer intention for every day of the month. The focus of our prayers this month is our second Mission Action Goal: Stewardship and Giving

1.  Remembering St David, and the people of Wales.
2. Giving thanks for all that people generously give to St John’s
3. MAP Goal 2: Stewardship and Giving.
4. For all those coming to our Pancake Party Today
5. For Ash Wednesday and the beginning of a Holy Lent
6. For our PCC Treasurer, Alison Bygrave
7. For everyone who helps out with finances at St John’s 
8. For projects which we will need to fundraise additional money this year.
9. For our local community and all who live in the Parish. 
10. For being thankful for what God has given me, that I might use it for his glory.
11. For any who are struggling financially at the moment and those who receive Welfare Support.
12. For all those who work in finances services.
13. For a successful giving campaign later in June. 
14. For any who have a birthday this month.
15. For those who work in the Diocese overseeing how the Parish Share is set and spent. 
16. For those who run our Hall, and ensuring it is used effectively. 
17.  Remembering St Patrick, and the people of Ireland.
18. Those who serve the church on our PCC.
19. For our Bishops
20. For those who support those in debt in our Community – especially Harpenden Money Advice Centre.
21.  Thomas Cranmer, and giving thanks for the Book of Common Prayer.
22. For our prayer breakfast meeting today and all who come.
23. For a better way to explain the Offertory on Sunday, especially fpr those who don’t come very often.
24. For our Auditors: Miller and Co
25. For the Annunciation of our Lord to Mary. 
26. For more people to give via the Parish Giving Scheme.
27. For setting up a Friends of St John’s in the future to help care for our building.
28. For finding appropriate ways to talk and teach about giving in Church
29. For everyone to have a fair and living wage for the work they do.
30. Mothering Sunday, and for all those who find today difficult.
31. For prayerful consideration of my own giving to Church

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