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Our Electoral Roll

Our Electoral Roll 

For 2025 we are required to undertake a full refresh of our Electoral Roll. If you are currently on our Roll and take no action you will not be included in the 2025 edition, although after this has been 'presented' to the APCM, you can be added at any time by submitting a new application.

What is the Electoral Roll?

At its simplest, it is the list of names and addresses of every person who can vote at a Parish's Annual Meeting (and any special or extra church meetings). More importantly than that, it is a way of showing deeper commitment and support to the life of St John’s as we seek to make Christ known and live God’s love here in Harpenden.

If you are not sure if being on the Electoral Roll is for you, then do read our Vicar Tim's invite letter.  To be on the Roll, you need to baptised and either live in the Parish or have worshipped with us habitually for 6 months. And you can't be ordained. To work out if you live in the Parish, visit www.achurchnearyou.com and enter your postcode.

To join the Electoral Roll

The two easiest ways are to complete our Google form or use the PDF form with fillable fields and return it to me by email - electoral.roll@stjohnsharpenden.org.uk.

Alternatively, you can print out the form (or collect a copy from the Church Porch), fill it in by hand then scan it or take a photo of it and email it to me - or post or take the paper form to the Parish Office.

Timetable for APCM 2025

Date Event
Sun 2 Mar Publish formal notice announcing preparation of new roll
  Start of formal update
Sun 13 Apr Completion of formal update** (Read last year's report)
Thu 17 Apr Updated Roll displayed in Church (note 1)
Sun 11 May APCM**

** The Roll is frozen between these two dates

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me via the email address above.

Neil Middleton 
Electoral Roll Officer 
23 February 2025

[1] And can also be shared electronically on request.  In both cases, it is names only; addresses are considered private.

Tim's letter on the Electoral Roll

Tim's letter on the Electoral Roll

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