The Parish Office is your first port of call for more information about St John's. This includes information about baptisms, marriages and booking the church hall.
It is open Monday - Thursday 10am to 2pm (although subject to occasional change) and can be contacted by email and phone - 01582 712776 (outside these hours there is an answerphone).
Finding us
To find out if you live in the Parish, please use the Church of England's A Church Near You website.
We are located in the south of Harpenden at St John's Road, Harpenden, AL5 1DJ:
Please be aware that parking is very difficult on our road; we ask the able bodied to park on nearby roads in order to keep the space in front of, and near to, the church free for the less mobile (there is limited parking in front of church for those with accesibility needs). Please do not park blocking any driveways or on yellow lines. If there are no legitimate spaces (we recommend Walkers Road and Queens Road), please park in the large free car park behind the Co-op supermarket and walk up to the church.
We are within walking distance of Harpenden Railway station; the 321 bus stops nearby.
Our Magazine now has its own page.
Our mission
St Johns is part of the Diocese of St Albans, which, in 2011, invited the people, parishes and deaneries, school and chaplaincies in the diocese to explore what it means to live Gods love today. This initiative has three strands:
- Going deeper into God
- Transforming communities
- Making new disciples.
Each parish was encouraged to develop a Mission Action Plan as part of this initiative. For St John's, our Mission is now best represented in our Parish Profile - the document we prepared in early 2021 as part of our preparations to recruit a new Vicar. This states:
- Our mission: To welcome everyone warmly and enable all to grow spiritually - nourished and transformed by reverent and relaxed worship and inspired to live and share God's love..
- Our vision statement: To sustain and develop our vibrant all-age worshipping community, living out our faith in Jesus Christ in all we do, so that more and more people in our parish are touched by His love.
Our Profile also has a wealth of other useful information about us and our plans (and challenges).
Useful documents and forms
- Our Safeguarding Policy is available from our Safeguarding page; our other Policies are on our Policies page.
- PCC Members 2024-2025.
- Papers for our Annual Church Meetings are available on a dedicated page.
- Electoral Roll documents.
- Parish Giving: Forms are available on our Parish giving page.
Eco Church: Our Bronze Award.
External links
Diocese of St Albans | Living God's Love | Church of England